About This Blog and Myself

Hello world!

I’m Aditya Balakrishnan. I’m just a normal dude with an aptitude and passion for writing. Apart from writing, I love public speaking, debating, quizzing, and singing [although I often sound like a terminal walrus.] I am a huge bibliophile and television-movie buff, and I hope to make my own movies someday.

This is my blog, The Currently Speaking Blog, where I write articles just about anything  with a prime focus on current affairs, entertainment, literature, science, politics, philosophy, law and history. It will keep you up to date with the world today and introduce you to several interesting things you may not have heard of. It is guaranteed to provide you with knowledge, both factual and speculative, that is both lucid and highly useful.

Hopefully you have as good a time reading the posts as I had writing them! Don’t forget to like, comment and follow the blog, and share it with friends and family!

Bon voyage, and as I say after all of my posts:

Life is good. Adieu.